Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The Talk of the Town"

The following appeared in the Mainichi Shinbun 9/10/07 Tokyo Evening Edition (translation follows)




米のマイナーレーベル「ユーターピアン」原盤で、このアルバムの12曲と今回SSJが追加収録したシングル2曲しか録音していない。ルイジアナ出身という以外、生死の情報もないという超のつく幻度。1950年代半ばの西海岸モダンに乗って素直にスイングする歌唱は好ましい。にしても、マニアはLPを探すのだろうが。【川崎浩】 毎日新聞 2007年9月10日 東京夕刊

This Week's Reporter's Choice is This! A Reprinted CD of an Extremely Rare Phantom Singer
by Hiroshi Kawasaki, Mainichi Shinbun 9/10/07 Tokyo Evening Edition (translated from the Japanese by J.)

People not into jazz can't even begin to grasp certain aspects of that world. They might understand the ordinary collector who tracks down and collects objects in which they're interested, but the jazz fan's pursuit is very different in both quality and volume. It is very common for these people to possess many recordings, with intense studying of the musicians involved and the labels being a part of the process. Also it's not rare for these people to own audio equipment costing many thousands of dollars. Among this group, it is a very usual practice to seek out rare albums and/or first issue or first printings of albums. They may even make a trip to the U.S. in search of such records. Among those rare albums, fans have especially targeted “Here Comes Carole Creveling,” which has just been released on CD by the Sinatra Society of Japan and has quickly become the talk of the town.

The recording was originally released in the U.S. on the minor label, Euterpean. The original album consisted of twelve songs. The CD also contains one single that Creveling recorded. How phantom she is (or was) can be illustrated by the fact that the only known information about her is that she hails from Louisiana [sic]*. Beyond that, there is no information, not even whether she is dead or alive.

Creveling sings in a modern, mid-fifties West Coast style that is very likeable. Despite this CD release, are music maniacs still trying to find that original LP? I wonder.

* This was incorrectly remembered by one of the surviving musicians on the singer's record date. Also, since the 9/10/07 publication of this article, Carole Creveling has at last surfaced and is no long the phantom singer that she once was. (see below)

update: For a limited time only, the Dusty Groove site now has copies of "Here Comes" in stock AND at a reasonable price.